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// $(this).closest('.responsive_video_wrapper').find('a.play_video').hide(); // // alert('video playing'); // } // }); // waypoints scroll inview for sticky shop now button $('#hero .sticky_shop_now').each(function(){ var this_item = $(this); // var appear_item_start = $('#routine'); // // var appear_item_end = $('body.home .module-6'); // new Waypoint.Inview({ // element: appear_item_start, // enter: function(direction) { // this_item.addClass('entered') // }, // exited: function(direction) { // if (direction == 'up') { // this_item.removeClass('entered') // } // } // }); var retailers_section = $('#retailers'); new Waypoint.Inview({ element: retailers_section, // enter: function(down) { // this_item.removeClass('entered') // }, exited: function(direction) { // if (direction == 'up') { this_item.addClass('entered') // } } }); var footer_section = $('#contact'); new Waypoint.Inview({ element: footer_section, entered: function(down) { this_item.removeClass('entered') }, exit: function(direction) { if (direction == 'up') { this_item.addClass('entered') } } }); 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$('.tab_wrapper .tab_content').slideUp(300); $(this).closest('.tab_wrapper').addClass('open'); // $(this).closest('.tab_wrapper').toggleClass('open'); $(this).closest('.tab_wrapper').find('.tab_content').slideDown(300); setTimeout(function() { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: current_tab.offset().top - 10 }, 300); }, 300); } }); // $(window).on('resize', function(){ // var win = $(this); //this = window // if (win.width() <= 767) { // } else { // } // }); // add classes to all shop links for tracking $('\ a.logo_wrapper, \ #site_header .col_buttons .btn, \ .sticky_shop_now, \ .retailer_form input[type="submit"], \ .link_scrollto, \ .tab_headline, \ .cta_wrapper .btn, \ .btn_wrapper .btn, \ .logo_column .logo_wrapper, \ .product_wrapper a.btn \ ').each(function () { $(this).addClass('tracking_shop_link'); }); // trigger pricespider popup from one single button with ps-widget class and ps-sku attribute (any link/button with ps_popup_link class) $(function () { const ps_popuplinkelements = document.getElementsByClassName("cs_popup_link") for (let index = 0; index < ps_popuplinkelements.length; index++) { const ele = ps_popuplinkelements [index] ele.onclick = (e) => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); e.preventDefault(); document.getElementsByClassName("cswidget")[0].click() } } }); $(function () { const wrapperOuter = document.getElementById("col_graphic_inner"); const wrapperPercent = document.getElementById("ingredients_col_left"); const outer = document.getElementById("ingredients_col_left"); // const night = document.getElementById("night"); let width = document.body.clientWidth; let imageWrapperPercent; wrapperOuter.addEventListener('mousemove', mouseMove ); function mouseMove(e) { var x = e.clientX; console.log(x); var outerTracker = outer.getBoundingClientRect(); let mousePointerPos; mousePointerPos = x - outerTracker.left; console.log(mousePointerPos); //wrapperPercent.style.width = x + "px"; // wrapper width using clientX wrapperPercent.style.width = mousePointerPos + "px"; // wrapper width using mouse postion in the box // convert to a % //imageWrapper = mousePointerPos/10; //wrapperPercent.style.width = imageWrapper + "%"; // Night Image Show and Hide /*if(mousePointerPos < 0) { night.style.opacity = "100" } if(mousePointerPos > 0) { night.style.opacity = "0" }*/ } $('#ingredients').mouseleave(function() { $( '#ingredients_col_left' ).css( "width", "50%" ); }); }); // wait for element to exist function using MutationObserver // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver // function waitForElm(selector) { // return new Promise(resolve => { // if (document.querySelector(selector)) { // return resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); // } // const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { // if (document.querySelector(selector)) { // resolve(document.querySelector(selector)); // observer.disconnect(); // } // }); // observer.observe(document.body, { // childList: true, // subtree: true // }); // }); // } // waitForElm('.ps-sku-selector').then((elm) => { // // console.log('Element is ready'); // // console.log(elm.textContent); // $('.ps-sku-selector').val('1640015').prop('selected', true).trigger('change'); // }); if($('#treatment .product_wrapper.hidden-xs').length > 0) { // Also can pass in optional settings block var rellax = new Rellax('#treatment .product_wrapper.hidden-xs', { speed: 3, center: true, wrapper: null, round: false, vertical: true, horizontal: false }); } if($('#treatment .product_wrapper.visible-xs').length > 0) { // Also can pass in optional settings block var rellax = new Rellax('#treatment .product_wrapper.visible-xs', { speed: 1, // speed: 1, center: false, wrapper: null, round: false, vertical: true, horizontal: false }); } // if($('#hero').length > 0) { // // Also can pass in optional settings block // var rellax = new Rellax('#hero', { // speed: 3, // center: true, // wrapper: null, // round: false, // vertical: true, // horizontal: false // }); // } // $('#hero').paroller({ // // factorXs: 0.1, // // factorSm: 0.1, // // factorMd: -0.4, // // factorLg: -0.5, // // factorXl: -0.6, // factor: .25, // // factor: -.4, // type: 'background', // direction: 'vertical', // // transition: 'transform .3s ease-out' // }); 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